Edition #038 (April 5th, 2024)

Read Time: 4 minutes

North Korean Diplomats, Fake Cheese & more!

Good Afternoon - The CDC has reported more than 780,000 adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination. These include severe cases of Bell's Palsy, heart inflammation, myocarditis, miscarriages, seizures, and tinnitus.

According to the report, 8% of the 10 million vaccine recipients under surveillance sought medical or hospital care after vaccination.

Global Insights

Western diplomats in North Korea

Embassy of Sweden, Pyongyang

Whenever diplomatic engagement is required between North Korea and the United States, or when Scandinavian tourists face issues, the Swedish embassy in North Korea emerges as a pivotal player & intermediary.

Despite its significance, the embassy operates with only two diplomats. In an interview with Swedish National Radio, one of them shed light on their constrained interactions with locals and the daily challenges they faced, including inconvenience, frustration, and loneliness.

Even with a diplomat's desire to aid North Koreans and adopt an understanding of the culture, bureaucratic hurdles, and persistent mistrust present formidable obstacles.

August Borg, a second secretary under Ambassador Torkel Stiernlöf, described the dim conditions in Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital. Power blackouts were common, with electricity of poor quality, making basic tasks like using a computer or boiling water very difficult. Borg's residence lacks running water, necessitating showers at the office.

Limited social interaction compounds the isolation. Borg's interactions with Koreans were restricted, and inviting locals home required special permission. Security personnel monitor movements closely, and leaving Pyongyang entails escorts to prevent "getting lost."

Despite these challenges, Borg finds intrigue in Pyongyang's unique aspects. He recounts witnessing Kim Jong Un at a memorial service, and noted the stark contrast between elite urban life and rural poverty.

Borg initially wanted to bridge cultural gaps, though constant suspicion from local authorities made this very difficult according to Borg.

In addition to diplomatic duties, the embassy promotes Swedish culture and values. Plans for a U.S. liaison office in Pyongyang, akin to Sweden's role, highlight the embassy's strategic importance in facilitating international relations

With a room earmarked for potential U.S. occupancy, the embassy stands as a symbol of diplomatic potential, amidst the complex geopolitics of North Korea.

Cheese is not real?

In the United States, approximately 90% of the cheese available in stores is no longer made using traditional methods. Instead, it contains a genetically modified organism (GMO) version of rennet, a crucial ingredient in cheese production. This GMO rennet is produced by Pfizer, one of the world's largest biopharmaceutical companies. Traditionally, cheese is crafted using just four ingredients: milk, salt, starter culture, and animal rennet, which aids in curdling the milk. However, the cheese industry has now adopted four different types of rennet, with the most prevalent being a genetically modified version known as FPC or fermentation-produced chymosin.

These alternative rennets are favored for their cost-effectiveness and ability to accelerate the aging process, thereby increasing profits. However, what concerns many consumers is the lack of transparency regarding the presence of GMOs in their cheese.

Due to a loophole, products containing FPC rennet are not required to be labeled as genetically modified, as it is classified as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA. Consequently, consumers are unaware of what they are consuming and the potential impacts on their health.

Researchers have raised concerns about the safety of FPC rennet, citing potential toxicity and digestive issues. Despite this, only short-term studies in rats have been conducted to evaluate its safety. As a result, there is uncertainty surrounding the long-term effects of consuming GMO rennet

To mitigate risks, consumers are advised to look for cheeses made with traditional or animal rennet and to avoid those containing microbial or genetically modified rennets. While regulations surrounding GMO labeling remain contentious, consumers can exercise caution by being mindful of the ingredients used in their cheese products.

One of the worlds oldest books, up for auction

An ancient manuscript from Egypt, dating back to the early days of Christianity, will be auctioned in London in June. Called the Crosby-Schoyen Codex, it's one of the oldest surviving books. It's written in Coptic on papyrus and was likely made between 250 and 350 AD in an early Christian monastery. Christie's estimates its value at $2.6 million to $3.8 million.

Recent earthquakes

On Friday morning, a 4.8-magnitude earthquake hit near New York City, shaking buildings along the East Coast. This surprised residents in an area not used to such seismic activity. The quake originated in Tewksbury, central New Jersey, about 40 miles west of New York City. While no major damage was reported, New York Governor Kathy Hochul warned about possible aftershocks.

The day before the Earthquake, a bolt of lightning struck the Statue of Liberty

This event occurred shortly after Taiwan experienced its most powerful earthquake in at least 25 years. The 7.2 magnitude quake resulted in nine deaths and over 900 injuries. Additionally, 50 individuals traveling to a hotel in a national park remain missing. In Hualien, a mountainous and sparsely populated county near the quake's epicenter, some buildings were observed leaning precariously due to the tremors.

Potential Russian-American exchange of persons

The Biden administration announced its intention to present a revised proposal to Russia regarding the exchange of American citizens, including former U.S. Marine Whelan and Wall Street Journal reporter Gershkovich. Previous proposals had failed to meet Russia's requirements, prompting the U.S. to prepare an "improved" offer.

Russia has expressed interest in the release of Vadim Krasikov, currently incarcerated in a German prison for the alleged murder of Chechen terrorist Khongoshvili in Berlin. However, Russia considers a "2 for 1" exchange unequal. Therefore, apart from Krasikov, the United States must include another individual of interest to Russia in the proposed exchange. Efforts to release Whelan and Gershkovich have been ongoing for months.

History & Culture - Sagrada Familia

Barcelona's famous Sagrada Familia basilica is set to be finished by 2026, marking 144 years since construction began.

The organization overseeing Antoni Gaudí's masterpiece announced the completion date, coinciding with the architect's centennial. Esteve Camps, the president, assured that enough funds and resources are available for the final touches, including the towering 172.5-meter central tower, making it Barcelona's tallest structure.

The Sagrada Familia represents & is dedicated to the life of Jesus Christ. Different parts of the sanctuary symbolize various themes like saints, virtues, sins, and secular concepts such as regions. It's expected that each area will be decorated accordingly.

While the main construction will wrap up by 2026, work on sculptures, decorations, and the controversial stairway leading to the future entrance will continue until 2034.

The project, which started in 1882 on farmland, faces challenges with the proposed stairway, potentially displacing 1,000 families and businesses.

Camps defended the stairway as part of Gaudí's vision, but its approval is pending discussions with Barcelona's mayor.

Despite hurdles like war and financial constraints, tourism revenue has supported the basilica's completion. One of the concerns raised has been transperacy of finances.

Despite setbacks, including damage during the Spanish Civil War in 1936, Sagrada Familia has endured and is almost officially completed.

Fast Facts

  • 40% of global military spending is done by the United States

  • Istanbul, Turkey, is the only city in the world that spans two continents—Europe and Asia

  • Libya has Africa’s largest proven oil reserves

Anticipate, but don’t expect. Anticipation: You’re excited for what the future holds, but you don’t try to control it. Expectation: You try to predict the future and restrict your happiness to one outcome.

- James Clear