Edition #044 (May 17th, 2024)

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Betele Nut, Blue Zones & more!

Good Afternoon - 2024 is 37% complete

Global Insights

Betel Nut

Betel (pronounced Beetle) nut chewing, an ancient tradition across Asia and the Pacific, stands out for its rich history and social prominence. This ancient practice involves chewing areca nuts, also known as betel nuts, along with slaked lime and betel leaves. The concoction, known as betel quid or paan in South Asia, offers stimulant and narcotic effects due to the presence of the psychoactive compound arecoline.

Betel nut chewing is not confined to one region; its roots stretch across Southeast Asia, Micronesia, Island Melanesia, and South Asia. It has even found its way into the cultural fabric of communities in Taiwan, Madagascar, and parts of southern China. Introduced to the Caribbean during colonial times, its influence has traversed continents and centuries.

The composition of betel quid varies geographically, incorporating diverse flavors like coconut, menthol, and cardamom. While the traditional mix includes areca nuts, slaked lime, and betel leaves, some variations substitute tobacco or exclude certain ingredients altogether. Despite its cultural prominence, the practice has drawn criticism for its association with adverse health effects, including oral cancers.

The origins of betel nut chewing trace back thousands of years, with archaeological evidence dating its use to ancient burial sites in the Philippines. As Austronesian peoples spread across the region, so too did the practice, influencing cultures from Micronesia to Madagascar. Its diffusion reflects the intricate web of cultural exchange and migration that shaped the Indo-Pacific world.

Despite efforts by health organizations to curb its use (similar to cigarettes & other stimulants), betel nut chewing remains deeply entrenched in many societies, often carrying religious connotations.

In 2021, India investigated the smuggling of areca nuts from neighboring countries, which are widely used across South Asia. Suspicions arose from alleged collaboration among traders, customs officials, and politicians. Most of these nuts, believed to have come from Indonesia, enter India through borders with Myanmar and Bangladesh. Despite seizures in states like Assam and Manipur, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) estimates an annual loss of 150 billion rupees ($2 billion) to the government. Challenges in verifying document authenticity persist, and there are many smuggling networks, particularly in regions like Golaghat and Barak Valley.

Betel nut is very popular for street vendors in the areas mentioned. If you chew bettle nut, you will experience the psychoactive effects of a stimulant, with some potential side effects of stomach pain & your teeth are bound to be stained with a reddish-brown color. If your ever in an area where betel nut is popular, now you know.

Blue Zones

Costa Rica

Blue zones have gained attention as regions where people reportedly live longer than average. Examples include Okinawa Prefecture, Japan; Nuoro Province, Sardinia, Italy; the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; and Icaria, Greece. The term "blue zones" originated from scientists marking long-lived villages on a map with a blue pen during a survey.

However, the claim of exceptional longevity in blue zones has been questioned due to the lack of scientific evidence and the decline in life expectancy in Okinawa during the 21st century. The concept emerged from demographic studies published in 2004, identifying regions with high concentrations of centenarians. (People who have lived to 100)

These areas were associated with traditional lifestyles, regular physical activity, strong community support, and local food consumption. Although marketed as places of longevity, scientific reception has been mixed, with critiques regarding data accuracy and the speculative nature of blue zone diets.

Sardina, Italy

For over 20 years, researchers have studied blue zones in these regions. They claim that lifestyle and environment play crucial roles in longevity. Studys have suggested that only about 20% of lifespan is determined by genetics, while the remaining 80% is influenced by lifestyle and environment.

Researchers work aim to identify factors contributing to long and healthy lives. These include dietary patterns rich in whole foods, regular physical activity embedded in daily life, strong social connections, and environments that encourage healthy behaviors. Findings suggest that creating thee environments can promote longevity by encouraging healthier lifestyle choices. Singapore has been proposed as a new blue zone, citing policies that promote healthy living and social support for the elderly. Despite debates surrounding blue zones, the exploration of factors contributing to longevity offers valuable insights into promoting health and well-being worldwide.

The fact that 80% of these blue-zones are a result of lifestyle and environment, it shows the positive effect of healthy habits on the human life span. Even if your not in a blue zone, these habits and lifestyle choices can easily be implemented.

Slovakians Prime Minister

Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico was attacked and shot multiple times in Handlova, about 100 miles from the capital, Bratislava. Reports suggest he sustained between 5 to 7 gunshot wounds, with conflicting accounts regarding his current condition.

Fico's stance on issues such as EU sanctions on Russia, opposition to Ukraine joining NATO, and advocating for territorial concessions to end the conflict with Russia has drawn attention. As the leader of the Smer party, Fico's policies have been characterized by some opponents as leaning towards a "pro-Russian and anti-American platform."

“I think it will take several more days until we will definitely know the direction of the further development,”- Robert Kaliniak, the defense minister and deputy prime minister


The United Kingdom has decided to prohibit the teaching of gender identity and transgender issues in schools. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stated that this move aims to protect children from what is deemed as "disturbing content" unsuitable for their age

Schools across England will refrain from including discussions on gender identity for students up to the age of 18. This decision comes amidst growing concerns regarding transgender topics both within the UK and internationally.

Western volunteers in Myaramar

A former British soldier and an American fighter are part of a small yet increasing group of foreigners who are providing training and actively participating in the fight against Myanmar’s military regime. Motivated by the resilience of Myanmar's resistance against the brutal military rule, these volunteers have joined the cause, despite facing one of the most formidable and well-equipped military forces in Southeast Asia.

The military seized power over three years ago, leading to the death of peaceful protesters, inspiring these individuals to join Myanmar's fight.

History & Culture - The French Revolution

The French Revolution, spanning from 1787 to 1799, was a transformative period in French history characterized by profound political, social, and economic changes. Rooted in a combination of long-standing grievances and contemporary issues, the revolution emerged as a response to the perceived injustices and inequalities of the ancien régime.

Several factors contributed to the outbreak of the revolution. Socioeconomic disparities fueled discontent among the lower classes, while the rise of the bourgeoisie, comprising wealthy commoners, sought greater political influence. The spread of Enlightenment ideals, advocating liberty, equality, and fraternity, further fueled revolutionary sentiments. Additionally, economic challenges, exacerbated by costly wars and financial mismanagement, strained the monarchy's credibility and intensified public dissatisfaction.

The revolution unfolded in multiple phases, each marked by significant events and shifts in power dynamics. The convocation of the Estates-General in 1789 and the subsequent formation of the National Assembly signaled the beginning of the revolution's active phase. The storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, symbolized the people's defiance against royal authority and is commemorated as a pivotal moment in French history.

Internal conflicts between different factions, including the Girondins and the Montagnards, further characterized the revolution's complexity. The execution of King Louis XVI in 1793 and the subsequent Reign of Terror, led by figures like Maximilien Robespierre, marked a period of intense political upheaval and violence.

The French Revolution left a lasting legacy, shaping modern concepts of democracy, citizenship, and human rights. Its ideals continue to resonate globally, influencing subsequent revolutionary movements and political transformations.

Fast Facts

  • Your heart beats over 100,000 times per day.

  • The median age of the world is about 30 years old

  • 9310 Tweets are sent out every second.

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

George Bernard Shaw